To be fair, both men and women utilize the same techniques for actually casting a fly rod. In fact, women are often more successful at the onset as they typically don’t “muscle” the fly rod. Nevertheless, from a learning perspective, there are often significant differences in how one takes in data.
Brenda Sears has been sharing her knowledge of fly casting and fly fishing (both salt and fresh water) for many years. I have had the opportunity to watch her teach during Casting For Recovery retreats. Although I believe that Brenda has retired from her role as a CFR instructor, she has no doubt continued to be an icon of women’s fly fishing.
Whether you are a beginner fly caster or an experienced fly fisher hoping to sharpen your skills, this clinic will no doubt provide a learning experience.
Mark your calendar for May 22nd, and head to Chatham to join Trout Unlimited’s Cape Cod Chapter for this event. Don’t forget to make a reservation as space is limited.
Of course, come fishing with me and practice what you’ve learned aboard my fly fishing arena and comfortable 20′ center console and catch some striped bass!!!! Fishing trips with Salty Fly Cape Cod.